
Before you can use Meltano, you’ll need to get it installed. We have a complete installation guide that covers all the possibilities, virtual environments and using pipx; this guide will guide you to a fast installation that will work for the tutorial.

Install Meltano #

  • Meltano is pip-installable.

    Use the following command to check that you have a supported Python version installed:

    python --version

    Currently Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 are supported. Some plugins do not yet support Python 3.10.

    ```console $ pip install --upgrade pip Requirement already satisfied. $ pip install "meltano" ---> 100% successfully installed meltano ```
  • We maintain the meltano/meltano Docker image on Docker Hub, which comes with Python and Meltano pre-installed.

    To get the latest version of Meltano, pull the latest tag. Images for specific versions of Meltano are tagged v, e.g. v1.55.0. Add a `-python` suffix to the image tag to change the python version, e.g. latest-python3.7.

    ```console $ docker pull meltano/meltano latest: Pulling from meltano/meltano ---> 100% Status: Downloaded newer image for meltano/meltano:latest $ docker run meltano/meltano --version meltano, version 2.7.1 ```
  • Meltano is pip-installable.

    Use the following command to check that you have a supported Python version installed:

    python --version

    Currently Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 are supported. Some plugins do not yet support Python 3.10.

    Pip is a package installer that comes automatically with Python 3+. pipx is a wrapper around pip which cleanly installs executable python tools (such as Meltano) into their own virtual environments.

    ```console $ pipx install "meltano" ---> 100% successfully installed meltano ```

More Information #

To understand details of the installation, like mounting a docker volume to work long-term with the docker image, view the detailed installation guide.

Next Steps #

Once you’re set up, head over to the tutorial to learn how to initialize your first project and start to import data.